It's THAT time again!
Tax Time is here! To help you get yourself ready, here is a checklist of the things I will need to complete your tax return.... Copies of your and your spouse’s ID - drivers license Social security numbers for everyone in your household that you plan to list on your tax return. All W-2 statements All 1099 statements received. May be 1099NEC, 1099Misc, 1099R, 1099SSA Any 1098 statements received, ie mortgage interest statements, student loan interest Any financial (cash/check) charitable contributions made. If you have 1099NEC or own a small business that does not require a separate tax return…. A list of income and expenses for the entire year A list of the value of any assets belonging to the business (furniture/equipment/cash on hand at the end of the year) If you use your vehicle for work, a mileage chart along with the year, make, model, and date the vehicle was put in service. If you purchased health insurance, the amount you paid for the year (year end statement or form 1095)